Wednesday, December 7, 2011


handmade [ˌhændˈmeɪd]
(Clothing, Personal Arts & Crafts / Crafts) made by hand, not by machine, esp with care or craftsmanship

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

Thinking today about this word.

about this concept.

especially in a time of year where gift-giving can become such a chore.

when it's not supposed to be a chore.

the holidays are for remembering the ones you love.

It's supposed to be fun.

and as I am reminded again and again,

and samantha june says it well....

it's all about the love.

I love handmade stuff.

and I know I've said this before.

If I didn't, I sure wouldn't be doing this.

attempting a living....well.... making stuff.

And I have to say, Missoula's show just nailed it in for me.

Good show. Great people.

Really great.

I bought handmade soap, a candle, and even some of Natalie's mini-food. found here.

an itty-bitty yule log, a cauliflower, carrots, and one be exact.

set right next to Jesus in our ridiculous nativity I found in a second hand store years ago.

(Jesus has one arm missing, the wise men look like Japanese Monks, Joseph is at least a thousand years old, and Mary is a little cross-eyed....)

I wanted one of what everyone made.

I wanted to take little pieces of these people home with me.

Because THAT's what it's all about folks.

Acquaintences or no, I love that people MAKE. That they LIKE to make.

and it can be silly, or serious. Functional, or not at all.


it's all made with love.

and that's all that matters......

1 comment:

  1. if I couldn't make things, I think I would explode. Not a pretty picture. Ha.
