Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jackson and then some...

Gallery nights was a freaking blast.
One of the most fun open house style Gallery walks I've ever been part of.
Wine, snack'ems, good company.

This was an installation of a woman's work I really felt could go well in my backyard : )
or downtown denver...
or in a museum.

Industrial and orange.


Jackson's vibe is great.  No really, no sarcasm.

I loved the youngness...the hipness...the overall appreciation and wholehearted support the community gave to the arts and artists in the valley.  I couldn't believe the amount of talent in one
 kinda-sorta-glammy-cowboy-ski bum-bro-bra town.  

yep. that's it.
and I really dug it.
I could see myself, maybe in another reincarnation, 
living in Jackson.

I also peeked my head into a small arts community building in town...

It was a sunday, so nobody was around.

I think it's funny....

it's been ten years since my high school art days...
And I still am drawn to art departments.
I can smell 'em out.
Like melted chocolate in a hot car,
or strawberry pie in a tiny east side Montana town.

I wanted to unpack my high-school backpack,
eat my brown bag lunch at one of those tables,
and hide from all the "cool kids"...
all the awkward lunch scenes where there isn't enough room to sit at the "cool" table,
the cafeteria I dreaded, and avoided at all costs.

And I found myself doing this all over again.
Hiding in an art building.
Alone and comfortable.
Eating my lunch in peace.

I have to admit, I felt at times
Jackson's Western Design Conference was a collection of "cool kids"...
But this classrom I stumbled upon, this relic of my high school drawing classes,
was a nice reprieve from the pressures and politics of a high end arts show.

I could breathe easy...

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the Art dept -- you're right about being able to "smell" em out haha.. P.S. do drop by my blog today for a little surprise for you! Have a super lovely day :)
