Tuesday, April 30, 2013

To evolve...

Portion of a Blog post 4/10/12 (this time last year):

Albert Einstein once said "Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school." And I really believe that. Educate yourself the way that works for you, and to hell with everyone else..... So here's to the emerging beetle bug. It wakes up in the dark of it's nest....hiding in the cover of the winter.....not quite lost, but teetering in the newfound light of spring.....from safety and comfort.


After much thought and deliberation...

the beetle goes in the shop. 


Druzy and Yellow Sapphire,
Handcrafted, and dear to my heart.
A sentimental piece.
But life goes on...
and we all...



xo erin.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you ShannonAnn, always brings a smile to see you bop over once in awhile : )

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks lady! Hope all is well on the other side of the world!
