Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Gotta hand it to Lynde down at FAWN boutique......A G A I N! Thank you so much for supporting LOCAL GOODS!

I told her today that she has officially spoiled me, mostly with her kindness and patience.... because lemme tell ya, cold-calls at boutiques are not fun, not easy, and are just plain awkward sometimes....I have really enjoyed doing business at this store, and am blessed to have this lady in my pocket of tools for success.

The ladies down at Fawn Boutique in Kalispell are kind, sweet, smart, and motivated to buy local jewelry, because their motto and attitude is "If I buy from you, you are likely to at some point buy from me." SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS FOLKS, because it comes back to you tenfold!

Here's the things she picked up today, and I am sure she would sell it to you with a smile if you had your heart set on it, (i have un-listed these things from my etsy store, one of the bummers about one-of-a-kind pieces...)

fire for ice ring
maggie earrings
the wobble ring

silk gypsy bracelets
stacker rings

and the button ring.

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