Monday, October 17, 2011

not even joking.

This was my studio space a few days ago.

Holy shit.


I guess I could say our home is in absolute chaos.

It's good though.

Jesse and I have never had this crazy opportunity.....and I am not talking about the house.

Homes are great, and they force you to do things.

Homes force you to organize.


But I really can't remember the last time all our things were in one physical location, an actual compiling of our shit from the past 4 years.....

all our vagabond ways, and our collection of life, has all compounded.

Into one huge mess.

one big pile.


my mason jars that should have garden stuff in them.......

my painting projects that are so fun, and so all over the place.......

The wall that still has no color-choice. dammit. my nemesis lately. there are 5 coats of different colors there, and none of them are just "it".........

the paint guy at the hardware store hides when I walk in.

This is my new table, with stones and un-finished projects....

oh lordy. the desk.

and the rocks....

bits and pieces......

all my projects have piled into one huge disorganized home.

for the first time in a long time.




i don't even know where to start.

but that's kind of cool.

home. disorganized...but MINE.



  1. One little corner at a time! It feels so good to be home, doesn't it?

  2. definitely ShannonAnn, I love home! This is such a good thing, such a good mess...
